Tuesday, February 16, 2010

WFNS- YNF Mentoring Across Borders Program

Dear Colleague,

Welcome to the blog of the Mentoring Across Borders Program created by the Young Neurosurgeons Forum (YNF) of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS). This program is meant to provide experienced mentors to young neurosurgeons who need some guide and advice in their professional and even personal lives, as they live their lives as Neurosurgeons in any part of the globe. Mentors and those to be mentored may come from different parts of the world, so as to encourage interaction and dissolve all political and social borders.

This blog forum is aimed at creating a single family of Neurosurgeons by interacting and exchanging views between all the mentors and those being mentored in the Program. That way we may now be able to develop a program that best suits us all and can stand the taste of time, which can also serve as a foundation on which better ideas will be built subsequently.

Thank you.


1 comment:

  1. Hi there,
    are the WFNS - YNS mentoring program still working?

